Aviva Senior Living | Resources – Helpful Links

for Families
and Loved
AARP is a membership organization leading positive social change and delivering value to people age 50 and over through information, advocacy and service.
Administration on Aging provides home and community-based services to millions of older persons through the programs funded under the Older Americans Act.
Alzheimer’s Association is the leading voluntary health organization in Alzheimer’s care, support and research.
Arthritis Foundation provides members with specialist referrals, Arthritis Today magazine and updates on the newest research.
Caregiver.com offers support and guidance for family and professional caregivers through newsletters, online discussion, Today’s Caregiver magazine, chat rooms and more.
Caring Connections is a national consumer and community engagement initiative to improve care at the end of life, supported by a grant from The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation.
LeadingAge is focused on advocacy of effective services for seniors including home health, hospice, assisted living, continuing care and more.
Elder Law Answers supports seniors, their families and their attorneys in legal issues surrounding aging.
Family Caregiver Alliance addresses the needs of families and friends providing long-term care at home.
GovBenefits.gov is the official benefits site of the US Government with information on over 1,000 benefit and assistance programs.
Hospice Foundation of America exists to help those who cope personally or professionally with terminal illness, death, and the process of grief and bereavement.
International Council on Aging unifies organizations focused on older adults and provides education, information, resources, and tools.
National Council on Aging is a nonprofit organization with a national network of more than 14,000 organizations and leaders.
VA.gov explains U.S. Government Veterans Affairs benefits to assist eligible veterans and dependents with the expense of intermediate or skilled nursing care.